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Journal (Rambly Musings)
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Life Altering
It's my last day in Ottawa today, and how do I describe what the trip has been like?
Revealing. Surreal. Exciting. Scary.
I knew I'd have some fun times with old friends. I knew I'd get a step-away perspective on my current life. I just didn't expect... this. Things like sitting face-to-face with my deepest remaining scar, my previous best friend, dealing with what went wrong in the friendship many years ago. You know, things you shrug off as a loss, a natural part of the ups and downs of life.
An invisible, unknown weight has been lifted. I feel light. I feel free. I feel 10 times taller.
I dealt with other smaller strangenesses of my life that have previously occurred as well. I'm almost completely at the point of not having any more incompletions in my past. No more people I "can't-talk-to" or I "have-tension-with." This is good.
I feel strong.
posted by Jill 3:14 p.m.
Thursday, December 26, 2002
Old Old Journal Thing
My friend just sent me an email I wrote a few years ago. (To torment me, I think. He's strange that way. ;) I thought I'd post it--it's essentially like my first online journal entry, though it preceded my online journal by a couple of years. If you're interested in an old trip, and something that had a big impact in my life (even before going off and "discovering myself" in Vancouver), enjoy. (He sent it to me threatening to show people why he calls me Rifle Babe. You may be the judge for yourself.)
Jill's Adventures in Israel (2000)
posted by Jill 10:45 p.m.
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
It feels like all my friends in Ottawa are nesting, and I'm still Wild Child.
If I had stayed, would I be nested by now too?
posted by Jill 11:22 a.m.
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc. etc.
(Probably only funny to fellow geeks. ;)
posted by Jill 11:51 p.m.
Friday, December 20, 2002
Poem Graduates
A poem thrown up on my blog one day has just made it onto my real site. Woo woo!
In other news, I'm performing Jan. 23 at Parallel Chaos.
In other other news, my xmas holidays this year, starting in 2 days, are in Ottawa. I'm going to be seeing people I haven't seen in yeeeaaaars. I'm so excited!
posted by Jill 1:00 a.m.
Monday, December 16, 2002
Blog O' Quizzes
Yes, this blog has turned into a big ol' Stupid Inane Internet Quizzes Results Repository. But... but.... They're fun! I absolutely could not resist posting this one as well.

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz
I will leave the validity of this one up to an exercise for the reader. ;)
posted by Jill 3:57 p.m.
Saturday, December 14, 2002
Me: stupid me, i was keeping my lentil soup warm on the stovetop, and my numbers on my heat dial are backwards but in my mind i flipped them back again because i'm so used to them, and now i have lentil stew.
Seyil: Heh.
Seyil: Hey, I met someone with a backwards stove like you!
Me: really? you mean, others of my kind.... exist? really?
Seyil: Only one other.
Me: ok. well, i must meet this other and procreate, so that we can ensure our species will survive.
Me: :) who was it?
Seyil: <names a female> ;)
Me: hmmm.... this poses an obstacle.
Seyil: Maybe.
Me: please inform her of the plan, and we can use our backwards cunning to devise a solution.
Seyil: :)
posted by Jill 9:40 p.m.
Friday, December 13, 2002
My Friends are the Best
This blog is seriously lacking in Ottawa content. I've got Toronto and Vancouver covered.... Here's something from Ottawa:
From an invitation to a friend's "Christmas" party...
"The menu will be completely vegetarian, of course, and there'll be some vegan offerings too. [We'll be sacrificing the vegans as offerings to our pagan Gods.]"
posted by Jill 2:04 p.m.
Feeling like you're not worthy? You're probably right.
posted by Jill 1:54 p.m.
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
My Soy Sauce Hero!
fyi, apparently "show you" (shoyu) means soya sauce.
posted by Jill 9:35 p.m.
Monday, December 09, 2002
How It All Vegan Grrls
I was there! I saw this being taped last Friday.
posted by Jill 11:41 p.m.
Random Things
Things I read or heard today:
Sorry, we're open.
"If that's all you have to argue about, you must have great lives."
Look at how cool the party was that I went to this weekend: pictures
My feet are really messed up! Yay! The doc said he was seeing things with me that he'd only read about before in textbooks. I think that's really neat.
I say yay because that means we can fix my icky pains and maybe I'll have no more poo-poo feet or knees. I have to wait til January though for my orthotics to be ready. *grumble* I want them now! No, yesterday! No, 10 years ago!!
posted by Jill 5:49 p.m.
I didn't realize how blessed I was
Until my visitor showed me how impressed he was
We gallavanted to art scenes
Consorted with art fiends
Makers and shakers, producers and users
Chatting in an everyday, elevated way
With actors, directors, poets, painters
Going to world premier book launches and plays
People who are famous or will be or should be
Just another normal blessed weekend for me
posted by Jill 12:21 a.m.
Tuesday, December 03, 2002
Two completely unrelated things:
1. My world is suddenly a kaleidoscope of ideas.
2. A friend of mine from Germany whom I haven't seen for *years* is visiting for the weekend! I'm so excited!
posted by Jill 10:37 p.m.
I am so happy that my friend Margaret (from Vancoooouver) has joined the blog world.
Welcome Margaret!
posted by Jill 2:11 p.m.
Sunday, December 01, 2002
Weekend of Enlightenment
Not sure how to describe how I feel, though I for some reason wish to attempt to express it in words in my blog. It's like, this weekend, I woke up. From a fog. A dream. A haze. I found myself again, or part of myself, and maybe even found something that hadn't even been there before.  I love my new chessboard!
Over the last couple of weeks I realized what my gifts were to give to the world that I'd been either poo-pooing or not giving enough weight. Mostly because I didn't think they'd make a big enough difference in the world. They are: writing and helping others. I realized I should more seriously pursue them both, so now I'm contemplating trying to publish a real book of poetry, and I've got an interview next week for tutoring in a volunteer adult literacy program. This is a good start. That is the background to where I started in my weekend of topsy-turvy thoughts and crazy coincidences. Friday night I was out looking for several books by Karen E. Gordon that teach different elements of the English language in a unique way that really really appeals to me. The first book in the series is The Deluxe Transitive Vampire: The Ultimate Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed. My thought was if I am to become more serious about my writing, I should bone up on, you know, some of that English stuff. Crazy Coincidence #1: I didn't find the book, but I did find books on how to get published. Saturday, I went to see the Modigliani exhibit at the Albright-Knox gallery in Buffalo. I don't know how to put words to what I saw in his works and what I got out of it. It really opened my eyes, to different things about people and human nature. I'd never even heard of the guy before, but let me tell you, he is amazing. Not necessarily at first glance, but he is. That night, in Niagara-on-the-Lake, I had a crazy-intense conversation about art. It was so great, I hadn't had a crazy-intense conversation that brought me to new thoughts and ideas about anything in,... too long. We covered a fair bit of ground, but the thing that sticks out with me which comes up later is the concept of people who write about things that they haven't really experienced, like poverty, sounding very amateurish. Almost like, what right do they have to bash the government when they're still in The System and reaping benefit from it? You need to experience something in order to have a say. Then I partied in St. Catherines! How weird is that! I'm living in Toronto and haven't had enough energy for partying in a long time, but psyched myself up for a wild night this weekend and it too brought me to new levels of understanding about myself and others and woke something in me. Again, it's a feeling that's beyond words. After partying, my friend's friend wanted to play a game of chess with me on my new chess board. This is *the most amazing board you have ever seen.* Well, at least, it's the only board I have seen since my interest in chess starting a couple of years ago that has screamed out JILL at the top of its lungs. I found it at the Albright-Knox gift shop. It's designed by Karim Rashid. It was WOW. I have been playing email chess with my dad for almost constantly for a couple of years now, and lately he's been giving me a lot of handicaps so that I can learn from my mistakes. Mostly I've been feeling like I'm a pretty poor player. Which is why coming close to kicking this guy's ass felt *really good.* (He used to win tournaments, he says!) It didn't hurt that my friend who was watching oohed and aahed when I made really smart moves. :) On Sunday, when I got home, I had probably the only potentially unpleasant email I have ever received from this one friend of mine. This was a wake-up call. About how I'd been being with him. About how I'd been being with my life! Everything became so clear to me, and this is possibly the moment when the fog lifted. Actually, I think the fog lifted during my run, which was coincidentally the first good run I have had in maybe a month. I've been too tired to keep up the pace I should be keeping, and today it was, well, I wouldn't say easy, but certainly doable. During this run, now that my mind was suddenly clear of things that had been ailing me recently, I had incredible amazing new insights about the world. Not just my world, the world at large. I'd been trying to figure out for quite some time what I think is wrong with the world and why the heck do I keep feeling like I need to save it. Save it from what? It became crystal-clear to me, the big picture of what had gone wrong. It actually contradicted some other theories I have held for most of my life. Following that, it became clear what I need to do to get the ball rolling on how to fix things. One of the first things to be remedied is my lack of understanding of the past. Besides beginning to study it (if this still seems like a good idea to me tomorrow,... sometimes ideas are HUGE in my brain until I go to sleep and I wake up the next day and think "what the hell was I thinking???" but these ideas are still from today so they're still big on my brain and still sound like a good idea :) I would also need to closely observe another culture that is still living elements of what the Westernized world needs. Learn from it, and more importantly, experience it. Off tramping to a big Vegan potluck that had a poetry reading and was being filmed by CBC. Watch for me! I'm pretty sure I'll be on, they filmed me talking to the poet. When speaking to people over dinner and then listening to the reading, I gained some new levels of understanding of vegetarianism and of my Grand Save The World Plan. I also got great new ideas for my writing. I've actually been getting several great ideas this weekend, which is part of the fog lifting as well, I'm pretty sure! Crazy Coincidence #2: Someone I was talking to after the reading started telling me about a book he's read that is all about how the world got to the point where it is today. How crazy is that?! Upon further questioning, the author's vision is not exactly but sounds quite complementary to my world vision ideas. The history in the book sounds like *exactly* what I realized today that I need to learn. Crazy Coincidence #3: This guy has the same ideas as me about going off to observe another culture to bring back some of the concepts into our world. Too much of a sign.... Well let's see how I feel after I sleep on it. :) For any of you out there who are reading this and starting to worry about me traispsing off to other places, don't worry, it'll be quite some time before I do, if I do. I used to have crazy enlightening change-my-world weekends all the time, but that was a long time ago. Feels really good to have one again. :) And hey, even if it turns out nothing comes out of this weekend, or, heaven forbid, I even lapse back into my fog, I have the coolest chess set ever!!! so it's all good.
posted by Jill 11:10 p.m.
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
Baby Doom
posted by Jill 1:07 a.m.
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
Fun Sucks
The problem with doing something that passes time quickly for fun outside of work
Is then there is not enough time for fun outside of work.
My whole evening went by and I didn't even notice it. Now it's time for bed and then get up for work. :(
Do not get an absorbing hobby!! Fun sucks.
posted by Jill 10:45 p.m.
Monday, November 25, 2002
Fear them, for they are truly mighty
What the..??
Uh huh...
One very strange man.
posted by Jill 11:33 p.m.
Saturday, November 23, 2002
I'm a Libertarian Left
What are you?
After you take it, tell me what you got.
My political compass:
Economic Left/Right: -5.12
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -6.97
posted by Jill 9:15 p.m.
Thursday, November 21, 2002
Peter is Wise Beyond his Years
"Freedom from everything. Especially from things you impose on yourself. Prisons are created in your mind."
posted by Jill 4:26 p.m.
Another Contribution by me to the English Language
tr. & intr.v. blurr·i·fied, blurr·i·fy·ing, blurr·i·fies
To make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure.
To cause blurriness.
"Often people can't tell themselves that they need glasses because they are just *so used* to the world being blurrified.
posted by Jill 10:57 a.m.
Friday, November 15, 2002
Which Simpsons Character Are You?
You are ... Mother Simpson
 Ya, that seems about right. :)
posted by Jill 9:51 a.m.
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Significantly Insignificant
Today was significantly insignificant.
All the same boy troubles, all the same other usual troubles, all the same confusions about life, a few new surprises that are not unlike old surprises I have had, just another day in Jill World.
Something’s got to change. I’m not moving forward this way.
posted by Jill 11:05 p.m.
What The World Is Coming To
A conversation between a friend (F) and I.
F: the girl i was seeing changed herself back to 'single' on that site.. lol
F: she didn't until last night
F: i guess its over over!!
F: officially... and i heard it first from a website! OMG!
F: kill me... lol
Me: the internet... provider of information for people's lives.
F: lol
F: i am detecting a really large irony here
F: i'm so into the internet and information
F: and its actually supplying information on my relationship, BEFORE i'm aware of it!
posted by Jill 3:15 p.m.
Monday, November 11, 2002
Stream of Consciousness
On the edge of consciousness
Like standing on the edge of a cliff
In dry Arizona after dark
My arms outstretched to either side
I sway, defy gravity, stand on the rim at a 10 o'clock angle
Held from falling into 9 o'clock and then 6 only by the wind
Pushing at my body
Hailing at my face
Whipping at my hair
Tearing at my T-shirt and not-very-helpful Spring jacket
In this impossible stance that defies fact
I look down
And see
Big city lights like the universe in a wide display before me
Civilization is a thing of beauty
When viewed from a distance
Gradually, the buildings evanesce though the sparkling lights remain
Ground falls away revealing sky
And I
see nothing but black and stars above and below
Arms outstretched to my sides
My sneakered feet unglue from the cliff's edge
10 o'clock becomes 9
Slow motion dive
Flying into the darkness
posted by Jill 12:40 a.m.
Saturday, November 09, 2002

posted by Jill 12:30 a.m.
Thursday, November 07, 2002
I ran this today. 
From Bathurst and Wilson to Bloor and Spadina. 8K! Say it with me now... "WOW!" :)
posted by Jill 7:16 p.m.
Sunday, November 03, 2002
A few years ago a couple of childhood friends of mine hooked up and started dating. I found that very weird. It's fine when a childhood friend of mine starts dating, but to each other....? Today they are getting married! When will the madness cease!? :) Congratulations guys! All the best!
posted by Jill 9:40 a.m.
Friday, November 01, 2002
The Keeper
This is the best product. Every woman should have one.
posted by Jill 11:09 p.m.
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Happy Birthday To Me
posted by Jill 10:14 a.m.
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Vegetarian Porn
Vegetables never looked so good. ;)
from and old post I just found.
posted by Jill 12:23 a.m.
Monday, October 28, 2002
I Just Want the World to Know
I love Larry the llama.
Thank you.
posted by Jill 11:54 p.m.
Saturday, October 26, 2002
"Lying to someone is like stealing memories."
posted by Jill 2:57 a.m.
Thursday, October 24, 2002
"She is angry because she is obligated to exploit her beauty the
same way the Fish Man, who was born without arms or legs and
with gill-like slits in his neck, is obligated to work in the freak
show at the circus.
They are equally cursed."
from Capital Crimes by Jeffrey M. Freedman
Ya, so true!
Kind of reminds me vaguely of my poem Beautiful Ugly Girl. Similar sentiments, different slants.
posted by Jill 11:01 p.m.
Some People
This guy was telling me tonight on the subway ride home after a group veggie dinner about how not many people showed up to the last Vegetarian Singles event, only 3. I told him about how the first event held by the new co-ordinator last year was at Hallowe'en, and only the co-ordinator and a friend of mine showed up.
Guy: I don't remember that one. When was it?
Me: Uh........Hallowe'en.
Guy: <wracking his brain> I can't remember it. I don't think I knew about it. Did I go to that one?
Me: <trying not to laugh> Only Murray and Jen showed up. I'm __pretty sure__ you didn't go.
posted by Jill 10:07 p.m.
Friday, October 18, 2002
Truly Evil
I'm staying with my folks while I'm in town for David's funeral. I must be feeling better today,.. or need the cheering up.. because.... I noticed that their start home page was set to Google, and I don't know what came over me, I think I was possessed by daemons or something, because when I awoke moments later, their home page had been set to Google--Bork, bork, bork! They're gonna hate me!! I can't stop killing myself laughing!!
posted by Jill 1:23 a.m.
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Bork Bork Bork
(I post it because.)
posted by Jill 11:12 p.m.
Someone who was once very close to me
TAYLOR, David Suddenly at the Ottawa General Hospital on Monday, October 14, 2002 age 31 years. Loving son of Ron and Judy Taylor and dear brother of Kimberley Taylor of Calgary. Cherished grandson of Dorothy Taylor and the late David Taylor of Winnipeg and the late Charles and the late Dolena Murphy of Halifax. David was an employee of Siemens Canada, Ottawa. He was born in Halifax, was a graduate of Halifax West High School (1989) and St. Mary's University (Bachelor of Science 1993). Friends may visit at the St. Laurent Chapel of Hulse Playfair & McGarry, 1200 Ogilvie Road at Aviation Parkway Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel on Friday, October 18, 2002 at 11 a.m. followed by cremation. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Kidney Foundation of Canada.
I'll be incommunicado the next few days. I'll be in Ottawa for the funeral.
posted by Jill 1:40 p.m.
Saturday, October 12, 2002
Happy Ham
A conversation over breakfast this morning, while eating Vegetarian ham at King's Café:
Seyil: We're having Vegetarian turkey tomorrow night.
Matthew: Really? What percentage does it taste like real turkey? 50%? 75%?
Seyil: Zero percent.
Matthew: Uhh.. why do they call it turkey then?
Seyil: <pause>....... <deadpan> It has a similar colour.
posted by Jill 8:53 p.m.
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
Hong and I have great "quotations" if there were ever a need to advertise the benefits of joining the Beginner's Running Club at work:
"It's easier to run after the bus!"
"It's easier to run after my kids!"
Yes, we were born for marketing.
posted by Jill 2:21 p.m.
Monday, October 07, 2002
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
| Yuoo ere-a zee Svedeesh Cheff! Yuoo ere-a a guud cuuk, thuoogh yuoo cun't speek Ingleesh fery vell. Bork Bork Bork! | |
And here I thought I'd be Fozzie or Miss Piggy. Oh well. Bork Bork Bork.
posted by Jill 11:11 p.m.
Made Me Laugh
"Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese."
— GK Chesterton
(a quote on
posted by Jill 10:45 p.m.
I want to sweep him off his feet so that he’ll never touch the ground again without me.
posted by Jill 1:26 a.m.
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
I'm a Star!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am a star.
Today my movie career was launched. Today was the world premiere (I think??) of the movie that stars ME in the role of User Researcher.
I had no idea it was out yet. In fact, I had even forgotten making it. I was at a conference today, and it didn't even occur to me that when they said, "We'll be showing some movies at the end of this talk" that it might be the training video that I "acted" in. Well there I was, in all my, umm, shining glory. Many snickers from the people sitting near me at the conference.
Ever cringe when you hear yourself on tape or see yourself on TV? Ya, it was like that.
In other "I'm a star" news, I competed in a contest at Toastmasters today, and shockingly enough, I came in second! The winner goes on to compete at some higher level (city maybe?) and I'm the runner-up. Woohoo! I'm really impressed with myself because I was only beat by the guy who almost *always* wins our little weekly mini-contests. (I never ever win that.)
I'm *even more* impressed with myself because I had 5 seconds to prepare my speech, and thinking on my feet is not one of my strongest suits. Somehow I managed to pull it off, and it came out smoothly, not forced. (Flow was one of the things we were being judged on.) Oh yeah baby!!
posted by Jill 11:06 p.m.
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
Now this is interesting. Someone has linked to my entry about the poetry scam .
posted by Jill 2:43 p.m.
Monday, September 30, 2002
Deep Thoughts For the Day
1. Being in limbo is no fun. There should be a law decreed that people should make choices. Clean and simple.
2. If you don't like someone's art (whatever form it may be), no matter how great they are otherwise, don't date them. You'll be subjected to it all of the time. I was reminded of this wise insight tonight at a poetry reading that was just plain off and I didn't like much of what I heard. I was also reminded that whatever people do on stage is a reflection of themselves, and that if you don't like what they have created in their art, you're probably not going to like them either.
posted by Jill 11:40 p.m.
Drexoll Games
Ok, now I feel like the coolest.
Thanks Tamara! :) :)
posted by Jill 12:48 a.m.
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Collective Consciousness Typography
This is so cool!
posted by Jill 11:22 p.m.
Tuesday, September 24, 2002
Pictures & Mailing List
New pictures are up. Hair and people.
Also new tonight: My spoken word gigs 'n stuffs mailing list.
posted by Jill 2:02 a.m.
Monday, September 23, 2002
Experiment Complete
I am happy to report that the results of my weeklong experiment in healthier eating are in: Yes, eating really healthy for a week really does feel really good.
The shocker of my results is that I have zero craving for any of the "bad" foods! Nope, they're not even tempting. I guess when you feed your body all the nutrients it needs, it doesn't crave things it doesn't.
posted by Jill 4:24 p.m.
Saturday, September 21, 2002
Yes, Virginia, there really are people that stupid
So I'm helping Jen and Dave move into their new place today, and the guy who lived there before them (incidentally, named Guy) comes by to give his mailing address for his mail.
Guy: When did you move in?
Jen: <stares at him blankly and blinks>
Me: <I look around at the piles and piles of boxes, and the MOVING VAN in the driveway.> <And try not to laugh.>
posted by Jill 8:05 p.m.
Friday, September 20, 2002
Say my name! Say it!
Mad Bess Rackham
"Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr! "
Madhava found this in honour of talk like a pirate day yesterday. What's my pirate name?
I got to thinking... A couple of years ago I was much too greatly amused by the email version of this: Professor Poopypants Name Change-O Chart 2000. Somehow it seemed more fun to "calculate" the name yourself... But still, this is fun.
My name rocks. It's Poopsie Toiletbuns. Oh yeah.
posted by Jill 2:20 p.m.
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Crap man, I just lost a contact. Pooh.
It was a sad drain accident. The stopper lifted (still not sure how), and before I could stop it,........... down down to the depths of far away from my eye or the contact case, the 2 places it belongs. :'(
posted by Jill 11:22 p.m.
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Tales of Slacker BondingHey I just remembered that I was published here once. Too bad they messed up the spacing and claimed they couldn't fix it because of their automated system....
posted by Jill 10:57 p.m.
Day 2 of my latest experiment in healthier eating is going very well. At the Vegetarian Food Fair on the weekend, this speaker was mentioning how she ate only whole and raw foods for 3 days and had amazing energy. My energy level has been very, well, low lately, and I've been sick a lot this year, so I thought I'd give it a try for a week, what the heck. Self-imposed, I've decided that this also means no sugar, caffeine, or oil for the week. Day 1 I had *insane* cravings for Coke and chocolate. :( On day 2 I'm already feeling *really* good. :) :) I realized today just how important my Vegetarianism is to me. I'm taking a course through work to help me figure out my values and stuff (for my long-term "career direction") and in this one exercise, using a systematic method, we ranked all of our interests (max 24). It surprised me how much more important I considered my interest in Vegetarianism to be compared to so many other things. It didn't make the top of the list, though. It came in 5th (out of 24). My first couple were "Changing the world," and "Helping others help themselves." Hmmmm... Now how am I gonna do that?
posted by Jill 9:46 p.m.
Sunday, September 15, 2002
My new t-shirt says:
VEGETARIAN: aware, brave, compassionate, deliberate, educated, fervent, generous, healthy, intelligent, just, kind, loving, mindful, noble, open, philosophical, questioning, resilient, sexy, tender, unique, virtuous, wise, xeric, yearning, zenithal Yeah baby! And my new button says: vegetarians are hot (with a pic of a hot pepper)Courtesy of my weekend volunteering at the 18th Annual Vegetarian Food Fair.
posted by Jill 10:06 p.m.
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
BC Pics
Are up! (Links in the Sept. 9 post.)
posted by Jill 2:19 a.m.
Monday, September 09, 2002
Whirlwind Tour of BC Stuffs
Day 1: Took les boyz on a tour of downtown Vancouver, highlighted with my memories of stuff. (Whether they were entertained or not, I was.) We had a beautiful sunset at English Bay, then in the evening caught some amazingly funky sort of nature whale-music performed live on guitar and trumpet at the Sugar Refinery.
Day 2: Les boyz and I (and an unnamed other person who will never admit to our time) did the Grouse Grind. 1 hour and 56 minutes babeee! (Ok, I am completely the one to blame. I've been extremely out of shape cuz I've been sick a lot lately.) We also managed to lower ourselves enough to do some touristy things. That night I surprised a friend by spontaneously stopping by since he lived 2 blocks from our hotel. He in turn surprised me by it being his birthday party. I think me showing up was the best present. (Ya ya that's it. ;)
Day 3: Off on our grand road trip to the Rockies. Stopped that night at Glacier. Saw some big mountains that were not the Rockies.
Day 4: Rockies! Mountains! Big ones! Big rocky ones! (unlike the somewhat smaller treed versions we'd seen earlier) We hiked around Emerald Lake, wandered a bit around Lake Louise, and took a gondola over a bunch of them rocky mountains. That night we stayed in Banff. Much of the evening comprised of the Great Search for a Bathing Suit for Jill (for Hot Spring purposes).
Day 5: Our group having been tricked into thinking that the hotel pool was special kind-of-like hot springs, I decided this was not good enough for a bathing suit that cost ~$100 and didn't fit right. We made the (very long and arduous) hike to the Upper Hot Springs. After nearly dying, it was worth it. Very nice hot springs indeed. (Even if they were in a pool, no natural rock stuff around.) Back to Van that night.
Day 6: I wandered Van doing some of my old Van things I wanted to do while there while les boyz went kayaking in Deep Cove (which I've done already). That evening, after Chris had parted our company back for Toronto, I had drinks with about 15 of my closest Van friends. :) A very last-minute affair, so I'm thoroughly impressed so many people could make it out.
Day 7: Destination: Vancouver Island and Victoria. The ferry ride was fun. Steve and I wandered Victoria. While wandering I bumped into an old high school friend I hadn't seen since Grade 11! I knew she'd moved out there but didn't know exactly where. Turned out she only visited Victoria once a week, so it was an awesome coincidence to see her.
Day 8: Upon a handful of recommendations, we did the very long trek (5.5 hours) out to Tofino Island. Rather disappointing when you don't have time to spend time to really enjoy the area. We spent our 2 hours there eating and wandering. On the way back we had some glorious sites of the Pacific Rim. Made the trip worthwhile. :) Stumbled back in Victoria around 12:30am-ish and got a last minute great deal at a swanky hotel. Ooh la la.
Day 9: In the morning whale watching (woo!) and in the aft we ferried back to Van and made it just in time for dinner in Kits and back to the airport.
Stumbled into Toronto at 6:30am next morning. MMMmmmm, smog, oh how I missed you so.
posted by Jill 12:35 a.m.
Thursday, August 29, 2002
Not bad for 26
First cavity at 26 years old. (Small one too - a "spot cavity," er, or something.) Not too shabby, if I do say so myself!
posted by Jill 7:40 p.m.
Sunday, August 25, 2002
I don't understand some people's values
"Women often lose sensation in their nipples after breast enlargement surgery. They would rather look sexy than feel sexual pleasure." (warning: nudity -- sort of.)
(a link off of
posted by Jill 1:47 a.m.
Saturday, August 24, 2002
I just found out about a second person who has read my blog whom I hadn't told directly that I have a blog... This is really cool. Both people were able to find out stuff about what's going on with me. (Coincidentally, both brought it up in context about the Slam I did.) I guess this web stuff really works, huh? I wonder if this newfangled Internet thing will ever catch on... *pensive face*
I've mostly fixed up them poetry pages and the blog format now. Still tweaking, but, hey, these things are (or can be) eternal projects. At least they're usable(ish) (and readable!) now.
posted by Jill 1:40 p.m.
Friday, August 23, 2002
Guess What?
I made a new format for my poetry pages and also posted two new ones. The navigation needs to be fixed on the new format but otherwise... enjoy. :)
Someday I will fix the format of my blog too. I will indeed.
posted by Jill 1:52 a.m.
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
It's too bad I'm too sick to enjoy the rain of Vancouverites. I had to cancel on Vicki and Hooper yesterday (well, they weren't feeling too hot either, so I guess it worked out), and hope I do not have to cancel on Diana as well. :(
I hate being sick. This bites!!! 
posted by Jill 12:24 p.m.
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
It's Raining Van
Wow! It's raining Vancouverites! Where did all these Vancouverites come from??
From last Wednesday until tonight there was Ron and his girlfriend. Tonight there is Vicki and Hooper. From Wednesday night until Sunday there is Diana. Not to mention last month there was Rowan and T.Paul, and in another couple of months there may be Margaret.
What's wrong with this picture?.............
It should be raining more with Vancouverites! ;)
posted by Jill 8:42 a.m.
Saturday, August 17, 2002
"...if you want peace, and understanding,
You're not going to find it in bottle or in a vain in your arm..."
If I Laugh
posted by Jill 1:02 a.m.
Friday, August 16, 2002
Oh my god
"Do you not just love Afro Ken? Sure you do…especially because he is so colorful and cute."
Oh. My. God. .....but wait, there's more. Also comes in cherry tree variety...........
*Shaking head* What were the marketing geniuses thinking behind this one? Who are they appealing to?
Today's weird and wacky finding comes to you courtesy of another weird and wacky finding, the Hello Kitty vibrator (must be 18 years old to enter), that a friend and I found one fateful day...
 (must be 18 years old to enter)
posted by Jill 9:44 p.m.
Monday, August 12, 2002
Poetry dot con
"Is the following poem worthy of consideration for a national prize?
My Cat Has Fleas
My cat is chewing on her butt;
It makes me think she is a nut.
I try to drown the fleas in spray;
They jump and shout and just yell "Hey!"
I try to drown the fleas in powder;
they eat it like it's fine clam chowder.
I try to drown the fleas in gas;
that really burned my kitty's ass.
"Yep. The NLP picked this poem as a national semifinalist in their free poetry contest. Click here for details. And you can have your very own semi-finalist poem published in a handsome book of similar, excellent poems for only $49.99."
"The International Library of Poetry is one of several organizations of poor repute associated with the National Library of Poetry and operating under the internet domains and In recent months this organization has deemphasized the National Library of Poetry name in favor of the 'International' designation.
"Serious poets consider the International Library of Poetry contests and their affiliated organizations to be unethical, and their free poetry contests a scam designed for no other purpose than to prey upon trusting and unwary amateur poets by relieving them of their money."
Do I look stupid?
posted by Jill 1:20 a.m.
Saturday, August 10, 2002
It's not just about passion, it's about an inner light.
Like when C talks about architecture and the structures of things, or when P sings in Spanish (or talks of Spain or of his artistic endeavours), or when S even so much as thinks about rock climbing (or whatever his current passion is), or when A or SR rant about politics, get animated, get lost in their worlds.
Their inner lights shine through their eyes, and I am sucked in. Feel so close. Want more.
posted by Jill 12:13 p.m.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002
Scene from the Cottage
Day 2 (of 4) at Josh's cottage. Jill stumbles out of bed at around 11:30am. Josh is sitting at the kitchen table, reading the paper.
Josh: Do you realize what time it is?
Jill: (rubbing her eyes) Well, at least it's still morning.
Josh: (in his best cheesy sci-fi deep movie voice) It's the year 2005.
Josh proceeds to tell Jill for the next 10 minutes, continuing in the same voice, all the changes that have occurred while she was asleep. Apparently the world changes an awful lot in 3 years. You'd think I was asleep for a century or something. Yeesh.
posted by Jill 1:32 p.m.
Thursday, August 01, 2002
Poor Mr. Bear
More from the world of Jill's Abyss of Surreal Friendships:
"If it's me or Mr. Bear, then Mr. Bear is going to the Happy Bum Scratching Forest in the Sky, not me."
posted by Jill 12:05 p.m.
I was quite excited about competing in a poetry slam competition tonight. I didn't do too badly either. Scores aside, my personal rating is the first piece didn't go amazingly, and the second one did. (Two rounds of competition.) Sadly, I guess the judges didn't see it that way. Not only did I not win, I didn't make it into the final round. *scowly face* I think I came close to making it.... I think I probably came in 6th or so, and it was the top 5 that made it into the final round.
It was fun though. I love high-energy performance readings, and this was the first high-energy performance reading I've seen in Toronto. It was a good time. Also, some of my friends whom I really really wanted to see me perform made it out tonight. Woo! (You know who you are--*waves*)
Oh, and I got asked to be a feature at two shows. So really..... it's like I won. Heh. :)
posted by Jill 1:57 a.m.
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
Thanks Man!
You know your friendships have fallen into the abyss of the surreal when you hear things like,
"Jill, if you ever decide you're a man, I'll be there for you."
And you think nothing of it.
posted by Jill 12:09 p.m.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002
I'm not a perfectionist. I'm not yet good enough to be one.
Thank you, this post was corrected by a perfectionist.
posted by Jill 11:53 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Ottawa on Wheels
When visiting Ottawa, don't do this.
(1 hour and 45 minutes on blades, including sand traps, unfinished pavement, hills, grates, and a few wrong turns. I was, umm, *very* late.)
It's not as accommodating to blading for transport as Toronto is.
posted by Jill 12:54 a.m.
Thursday, July 18, 2002
So... spongey
"So strange, so unique, so...uh...spongy."

SpongeBob SquarePants
Thanks to for bringing the knowledge of this into my world/life. And for making a friend of mine just a wee bit obsessed.
"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants!"
posted by Jill 1:38 p.m.
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
My hair smells like sunblock!
I tried out a new product this morning on my recently "new and improved, even shorter" hair. This stuff makes it do a really cool crazy / crispy type thing.
All day I have been smelling a faintly coconut-mixed-with-hand-lotion kind of smell.
posted by Jill 4:54 p.m.
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
eunoia. Def: beautiful thinking.
The shortest word in the English language to use all five vowels.

posted by Jill 11:19 a.m.
Sunday, July 14, 2002
Beautiful in an ironic sort of way
I was in a rush on my way out when I remembered I didn't have $$ for the evening, and I wouldn't have time to hit a bank machine. In a stroke of brilliance, I scoured the top of my dresser for change in the form of loonies and twonies. In the scuffle, down came my jar of old coins. Coins showered down everywhere, all over my clothes, dresser and floor. How oddly appropriate. It was beautiful in an ironic sort of way.
posted by Jill 6:56 p.m.
Lots has happened this week, namely my Granny passing. pic (coming soon) video.
In lighter news, I have a new obsession. Obsessions come and go in my life. The most recent ones before this were balcony camping, my kashakas, herb garden, and djembe drums. None of these have gone away, per se. They've just faded into the background a little while my newer obsession comes into focus.
The obsession of the month is brought to you by my rollerblades. I don't particularly enjoy careening on wheels at great velocities, but today I had the strangest urge to dust them off and rollerblade around the city to my various errands. Well let me tell you, there is nothing like the feeling of gliding along sidestreets (and some large ones). I saw things in Toronto that I've never seen before. (Not that that's all that hard. Toronto is humongous. You could see different things every day in a year, maybe more.) I have decided that this will be my new method of transport, whenever possible. No, not for work which takes 1-1.5 hours by transit. That would be stupid. But those places that would take my half an hour or more to walk if I were foolish enough to waste that much time in my day (I love walking, but never have time for it), I could still get exercise and see things other than the inside of subway stations. Toronto on wheels. Sweet!
posted by Jill 1:05 a.m.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002
I just came back from essentially my first trip to my hometown (Ottawa) in two years.
Funny things that were said: "You would have made a good insane robot."
"This candle is bigger means more romance. More romance I say!"
"I have an adult-sized body and a child-sized head." "Shrunken-head girl!"
These out-of-context quotes were inspired by this one said weeks ago: "No Peter, I really don't think I *have* to eat the sparkle glue."
posted by Jill 12:34 p.m.