Journal (Rambly Musings)
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
Thanks Man!
You know your friendships have fallen into the abyss of the surreal when you hear things like,
"Jill, if you ever decide you're a man, I'll be there for you."
And you think nothing of it.
posted by Jill 12:09 p.m.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002
I'm not a perfectionist. I'm not yet good enough to be one.
Thank you, this post was corrected by a perfectionist.
posted by Jill 11:53 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Ottawa on Wheels
When visiting Ottawa, don't do this.
(1 hour and 45 minutes on blades, including sand traps, unfinished pavement, hills, grates, and a few wrong turns. I was, umm, *very* late.)
It's not as accommodating to blading for transport as Toronto is.
posted by Jill 12:54 a.m.
Thursday, July 18, 2002
So... spongey
"So strange, so unique, so...uh...spongy."

SpongeBob SquarePants
Thanks to for bringing the knowledge of this into my world/life. And for making a friend of mine just a wee bit obsessed.
"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants!"
posted by Jill 1:38 p.m.
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
My hair smells like sunblock!
I tried out a new product this morning on my recently "new and improved, even shorter" hair. This stuff makes it do a really cool crazy / crispy type thing.
All day I have been smelling a faintly coconut-mixed-with-hand-lotion kind of smell.
posted by Jill 4:54 p.m.
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
eunoia. Def: beautiful thinking.
The shortest word in the English language to use all five vowels.

posted by Jill 11:19 a.m.
Sunday, July 14, 2002
Beautiful in an ironic sort of way
I was in a rush on my way out when I remembered I didn't have $$ for the evening, and I wouldn't have time to hit a bank machine. In a stroke of brilliance, I scoured the top of my dresser for change in the form of loonies and twonies. In the scuffle, down came my jar of old coins. Coins showered down everywhere, all over my clothes, dresser and floor. How oddly appropriate. It was beautiful in an ironic sort of way.
posted by Jill 6:56 p.m.
Lots has happened this week, namely my Granny passing. pic (coming soon) video.
In lighter news, I have a new obsession. Obsessions come and go in my life. The most recent ones before this were balcony camping, my kashakas, herb garden, and djembe drums. None of these have gone away, per se. They've just faded into the background a little while my newer obsession comes into focus.
The obsession of the month is brought to you by my rollerblades. I don't particularly enjoy careening on wheels at great velocities, but today I had the strangest urge to dust them off and rollerblade around the city to my various errands. Well let me tell you, there is nothing like the feeling of gliding along sidestreets (and some large ones). I saw things in Toronto that I've never seen before. (Not that that's all that hard. Toronto is humongous. You could see different things every day in a year, maybe more.) I have decided that this will be my new method of transport, whenever possible. No, not for work which takes 1-1.5 hours by transit. That would be stupid. But those places that would take my half an hour or more to walk if I were foolish enough to waste that much time in my day (I love walking, but never have time for it), I could still get exercise and see things other than the inside of subway stations. Toronto on wheels. Sweet!
posted by Jill 1:05 a.m.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002
I just came back from essentially my first trip to my hometown (Ottawa) in two years.
Funny things that were said:
"You would have made a good insane robot."
"This candle is bigger means more romance. More romance I say!"
"I have an adult-sized body and a child-sized head." "Shrunken-head girl!"
These out-of-context quotes were inspired by this one said weeks ago:
"No Peter, I really don't think I *have* to eat the sparkle glue."
posted by Jill 12:34 p.m.