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Journal (Rambly Musings)

Monday, September 30, 2002

Deep Thoughts For the Day

1. Being in limbo is no fun. There should be a law decreed that people should make choices. Clean and simple.

2. If you don't like someone's art (whatever form it may be), no matter how great they are otherwise, don't date them. You'll be subjected to it all of the time. I was reminded of this wise insight tonight at a poetry reading that was just plain off and I didn't like much of what I heard. I was also reminded that whatever people do on stage is a reflection of themselves, and that if you don't like what they have created in their art, you're probably not going to like them either.

posted by Jill 11:40 p.m.

Drexoll Games

Ok, now I feel like the coolest.


Thanks Tamara! :) :)
posted by Jill 12:48 a.m.

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Collective Consciousness Typography

This is so cool! http://typophile.com/cgibin/smaller.cgi

posted by Jill 11:22 p.m.

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Pictures & Mailing List

New pictures are up. Hair and people.

Also new tonight: My spoken word gigs 'n stuffs mailing list.
posted by Jill 2:02 a.m.

Monday, September 23, 2002

Experiment Complete

I am happy to report that the results of my weeklong experiment in healthier eating are in: Yes, eating really healthy for a week really does feel really good.

The shocker of my results is that I have zero craving for any of the "bad" foods! Nope, they're not even tempting. I guess when you feed your body all the nutrients it needs, it doesn't crave things it doesn't.
posted by Jill 4:24 p.m.

Saturday, September 21, 2002

Yes, Virginia, there really are people that stupid

So I'm helping Jen and Dave move into their new place today, and the guy who lived there before them (incidentally, named Guy) comes by to give his mailing address for his mail.

Guy: When did you move in?
Jen: <stares at him blankly and blinks>
Me: <I look around at the piles and piles of boxes, and the MOVING VAN in the driveway.> <And try not to laugh.>

posted by Jill 8:05 p.m.

Friday, September 20, 2002

Say my name! Say it!

Mad Bess Rackham

"Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr! "

Madhava found this in honour of talk like a pirate day yesterday. What's my pirate name?

I got to thinking... A couple of years ago I was much too greatly amused by the email version of this: Professor Poopypants Name Change-O Chart 2000. Somehow it seemed more fun to "calculate" the name yourself... But still, this is fun.

My name rocks. It's Poopsie Toiletbuns. Oh yeah.
posted by Jill 2:20 p.m.

Wednesday, September 18, 2002


Crap man, I just lost a contact. Pooh.

It was a sad drain accident. The stopper lifted (still not sure how), and before I could stop it,........... down down to the depths of far away from my eye or the contact case, the 2 places it belongs. :'(

posted by Jill 11:22 p.m.

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Tales of Slacker Bonding

Hey I just remembered that I was published here once. Too bad they messed up the spacing and claimed they couldn't fix it because of their automated system....

posted by Jill 10:57 p.m.


Day 2 of my latest experiment in healthier eating is going very well. At the Vegetarian Food Fair on the weekend, this speaker was mentioning how she ate only whole and raw foods for 3 days and had amazing energy. My energy level has been very, well, low lately, and I've been sick a lot this year, so I thought I'd give it a try for a week, what the heck.

Self-imposed, I've decided that this also means no sugar, caffeine, or oil for the week. Day 1 I had *insane* cravings for Coke and chocolate. :(

On day 2 I'm already feeling *really* good. :) :)

I realized today just how important my Vegetarianism is to me. I'm taking a course through work to help me figure out my values and stuff (for my long-term "career direction") and in this one exercise, using a systematic method, we ranked all of our interests (max 24). It surprised me how much more important I considered my interest in Vegetarianism to be compared to so many other things. It didn't make the top of the list, though. It came in 5th (out of 24). My first couple were "Changing the world," and "Helping others help themselves." Hmmmm... Now how am I gonna do that?

posted by Jill 9:46 p.m.

Sunday, September 15, 2002

My new t-shirt says:

VEGETARIAN: aware, brave, compassionate, deliberate, educated, fervent, generous, healthy, intelligent, just, kind, loving, mindful, noble, open, philosophical, questioning, resilient, sexy, tender, unique, virtuous, wise, xeric, yearning, zenithal

Yeah baby!

And my new button says:

vegetarians are hot
(with a pic of a hot pepper)

Courtesy of my weekend volunteering at the 18th Annual Vegetarian Food Fair.

posted by Jill 10:06 p.m.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

BC Pics

Are up! (Links in the Sept. 9 post.)
posted by Jill 2:19 a.m.

Monday, September 09, 2002

Whirlwind Tour of BC Stuffs

Day 1: Took les boyz on a tour of downtown Vancouver, highlighted with my memories of stuff. (Whether they were entertained or not, I was.) We had a beautiful sunset at English Bay, then in the evening caught some amazingly funky sort of nature whale-music performed live on guitar and trumpet at the Sugar Refinery.

Day 2: Les boyz and I (and an unnamed other person who will never admit to our time) did the Grouse Grind. 1 hour and 56 minutes babeee! (Ok, I am completely the one to blame. I've been extremely out of shape cuz I've been sick a lot lately.) We also managed to lower ourselves enough to do some touristy things. That night I surprised a friend by spontaneously stopping by since he lived 2 blocks from our hotel. He in turn surprised me by it being his birthday party. I think me showing up was the best present. (Ya ya that's it. ;)

Day 3: Off on our grand road trip to the Rockies. Stopped that night at Glacier. Saw some big mountains that were not the Rockies.

Day 4: Rockies! Mountains! Big ones! Big rocky ones! (unlike the somewhat smaller treed versions we'd seen earlier) We hiked around Emerald Lake, wandered a bit around Lake Louise, and took a gondola over a bunch of them rocky mountains. That night we stayed in Banff. Much of the evening comprised of the Great Search for a Bathing Suit for Jill (for Hot Spring purposes).

Day 5: Our group having been tricked into thinking that the hotel pool was special kind-of-like hot springs, I decided this was not good enough for a bathing suit that cost ~$100 and didn't fit right. We made the (very long and arduous) hike to the Upper Hot Springs. After nearly dying, it was worth it. Very nice hot springs indeed. (Even if they were in a pool, no natural rock stuff around.) Back to Van that night.

Day 6: I wandered Van doing some of my old Van things I wanted to do while there while les boyz went kayaking in Deep Cove (which I've done already). That evening, after Chris had parted our company back for Toronto, I had drinks with about 15 of my closest Van friends. :) A very last-minute affair, so I'm thoroughly impressed so many people could make it out.

Day 7: Destination: Vancouver Island and Victoria. The ferry ride was fun. Steve and I wandered Victoria. While wandering I bumped into an old high school friend I hadn't seen since Grade 11! I knew she'd moved out there but didn't know exactly where. Turned out she only visited Victoria once a week, so it was an awesome coincidence to see her.

Day 8: Upon a handful of recommendations, we did the very long trek (5.5 hours) out to Tofino Island. Rather disappointing when you don't have time to spend time to really enjoy the area. We spent our 2 hours there eating and wandering. On the way back we had some glorious sites of the Pacific Rim. Made the trip worthwhile. :) Stumbled back in Victoria around 12:30am-ish and got a last minute great deal at a swanky hotel. Ooh la la.

Day 9: In the morning whale watching (woo!) and in the aft we ferried back to Van and made it just in time for dinner in Kits and back to the airport.

Stumbled into Toronto at 6:30am next morning. MMMmmmm, smog, oh how I missed you so.

posted by Jill 12:35 a.m.

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