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Journal (Rambly Musings)

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Gay Pride: I Have No Power Here

Church Street. The night before the big Pride Parade. All-night street party.

We're in this dance bar and I'm trying to manoeuvre my way across the crowd.

My friend turns to me and says, "Just shake it! Oh wait, your super-power-tits have no power here."


posted by Jill 3:50 a.m.

Saturday, June 28, 2003

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood

After going to see a couple of friends do a dance show of same-sex Swing dancing, I wandered around Church street in the middle of Pride Week mayhem. The sun was shining, love was in the air, life was grand.

I'm going to be in the Pride Parade tomorrow!! Wearing Vegan fetish-wear for an Animal Rights float. Ooh la la.

Earlier today I went strawberry-picking and had life altering conversations. Life is good.

Just like the sunny, beautiful day today, everything is looking up. I'm seeing an incredible guy who is incredibly right for me for right now. My new business (stop smoking coach) is taking off. My Vegetarian Art projects for the Food Fair in September are going smoothly.

Life is beautiful!

posted by Jill 7:24 p.m.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Telemarketers are Fun!

Me: I'd take it if it were free like the one I already have.
Telemarketer: I'd do that if I could, but I'm just.... a puppet.

Ha ha hahahahahhahaha!

posted by Jill 7:26 p.m.

Friday, June 20, 2003

KeyWallet, a password-rememberer

This is just the ubercoolest. http://www.keywallet.com/

posted by Jill 4:35 p.m.

Hello Universe. I'm Listening!

I think I understand why recent events have happened the way they have. The universe is trying to tell me something. (Career-wise, anyway.)

I think I'm doing the right thing.

posted by Jill 8:01 a.m.

Thursday, June 19, 2003


It is a time of great change.

At least I can face it all with integrity and my head held high.

Oh ya, and first Lessons Learned of my new coaching business: Always be upfront about absolutely everything, even if you think it's too early to tell the person and you think that saying it sounds stupid. (i.e. Even, "At such and such a point, I am going to ask you blahblahblah. I am not attached to the answer.")

posted by Jill 7:38 p.m.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Maybe Search Engines Will Find This


Do you create visual art (of any medium) with Vegetarian-related themes?

The Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair (http://www.veg.ca/foodfair/), September 12-14, 2003 would like to display your art at our fair. Your work and messages can potentially reach thousands of Vegetarians as well as non-Vegetarians who are curious about Vegetarianism.

For more information or to apply, contact Jill (jill_binder@NOSPAMrocketmail.com (remove NOSPAM)) by June 30, 2003.

Please pass on this information to other visual artists.


Are you a poet, musician, dancer, or other performer?
Are you Vegetarian or do you have some Vegetarian-related material that you can perform?

The Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair (http://www.veg.ca/foodfair/), September 12-14, 2003 is looking to bring something different to this year's fair. We are creating a 90 minute show full of Vegetarian performers and/or performers with Vegetarian-related material. It's a great way to get known to a completely new and large audience who wouldn't hear your work otherwise. For musicians, we are especially looking for non-mainstream types of music, especially World music, although all are welcome to apply.

For more information or to apply, contact Jill (jill_binder@NOSPAMrocketmail.com (remove NOSPAM)) by June 30, 2003.

Please pass on this information to other performers.

posted by Jill 12:32 a.m.


I got an A on that project. :) :)

What a freaking amazing weekend. Everything has shifted. I'm in such a good place now. Especially about the stuff I was all complainy about.. my love life and my career.


posted by Jill 12:29 a.m.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Projet Complet

27 years
102 pages
No sleep
Crossed eyes

It's going to be a looooong day today.

posted by Jill 7:51 a.m.

4am Venting

So it's 4am, I'm in an Internet cafe trying to scan freakin' 12 pictures, the whole process should be taking 30 minutes tops but the computer is deciding that night-time is really fun, let's be lazy and stall several programs, cause me to reboot it several times, and just generally be wonky, so let's take an HOUR AND A HALF for a 24 minute job... Because it wasn't enough that I figured out 2 hours ago that some of my most special pictures, a trip to the Maritimes with an ex, plus a zillion other important pictures, were among those that were lost in the Great Roommate's Movers Moving My Box of Pictures With Her And I'll Never See Them Again incident.... (Did I mention my Israel scrapbook was lost in the incident? That one I already knew about. Don't make me mention it.)

This 4am Venting is brought to you all in the name of personal development (pictures needed for my personal development class project).

Ask me if I'm having a good time.

posted by Jill 4:00 a.m.

Monday, June 09, 2003


running + chocolate = a well-balanced day

posted by Jill 3:25 p.m.

Sunday, June 08, 2003

Crazy Projects

Wow.. A few of my crazy projects on the go are actually getting somewhere or coming to fruition!

For example I'm the head of the Art Team for the Vegetarian Food Fair this coming year and things are really starting to come together. Woo! Lessons learned from my Art Team experience so far: Simple is good. We had elaborate and numerous events/workshops planned.... Now that it's become a matter of "what can we do the most simply and with least expenses?" things are starting to happen.

Heheh.. I should really take that lesson into my other projects. Hmmmm.

posted by Jill 11:40 p.m.

Friday, June 06, 2003


A dream I have had for a year came true today.

I am a very, very happy Jill!

posted by Jill 10:56 p.m.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

It's really not that complicated, I swear...

The goal: Simple.
The plan: Simple.
The way it executes when I think it through in my head: Simple.
The way it executes when it plays out in reality: _NOT_ so simple.

posted by Jill 5:39 p.m.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Knowledge and Wisdom

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.
One helps you make a living
and the other helps you make a life.
-Sandra Carey

posted by Jill 1:20 p.m.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Oh ya, and...

Oh ya, and in case you're wondering what happened with the big Jill-world life changing decision day, it turned out it was not the day to change my life. Decisions didn't have a deadline after all, in fact I can spend years thinking if I want/need to.. Which is good. I have an awful lot of learning and growing to do first before choosing my path.

posted by Jill 10:11 a.m.


Oh my god, this guy's music is *amazing.* You have to go listen. Now!

btw, I've been listening to Laura Fernandez's new CD almost non-stop for several days. Go listen to her too!

Both strong, haunting, captivating, powerful.

posted by Jill 12:31 a.m.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Truth. My past. My present. Like climbing a mountain.

The truth is, there is no truth. There is only the truth that you fashion. What's important is, is your truth one that you like? And one that you can live with? And all the while, can you keep in mind that it is merely just *your* truth and not *THE* Truth?

My past:
I'm in Ottawa, going through old photos, yearbooks, and certificates, trying to remember my past to be able to synthesize it and have a page (or more) for each year of my life, for a personal development course I'm taking.
I'm noticing how very recent events (my love life and my career, both in shambles right now) have been played exactly the same way countless times before. If they turn out the same way yet again, it's not going to be good.

My present:
Tomorrow is a very, very important day in Jill-world. It will map the course of possibly the rest of my life, and involves a very big decision. One direction my life can take is easy but probably won't make me fulfilled-happy, and the other is hard and will make me very happy in the short-term but probably more miserable in the long-term.

It's all about the truths I have mapped onto my life. It's about how my past has shaped my future, and how I can choose to allow it to continue to do that or to break the cycles. Easier said than done.
They said it would be simple, but not that it would be easy. Like climbing a mountain. One foot in front of other.

In the end, the hero WILL win.

posted by Jill 3:37 a.m.

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