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Journal (Rambly Musings)
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Lots Is Happening
Snapshot in Jill-world:
My Art Gallery at the Food Fair was cancelled. :( :(
My performance show at the Food Fair will be HUGE and AMAZING!!
Jen and I are moving to the St. Lawrence Market. We sign the lease tomorrow. We got a great deal! We are super-excited!!
The first website for our first website client is almost done. Yeeha!
posted by Jill 7:50 p.m.
Friday, July 25, 2003
Settled but Still Crazy
Things are a little more settled now, but that doesn't mean life isn't still upside down. :)
The stuff that was going on last week that was changing fast and making everything all crazy:
Mostly it was The House. The House that Jen (probably not the Jen you know or have heard me speak of before, a different Jen) and I fell in love with and wanted to buy. (Jen was already in love with it much before. I fell too.) House buying isn't an emotional thing, it turns out. It's Very Very complicated. I learned much more about house-buying in 24 hours than I ever needed/wanted to know before. Wow.
There was another offer on the house, so we acted fast. Turns out that offer fell through. We took our time after that and made ours a few days later. The bum took the house off the market! So we're back to having no place to live soon. :(
Early next week we might have a fantastic deal in a great neighbourhood. We won't know til Monday, which is cutting it awfully close for Jen who has to move end of the month. :(
Started up another business to supplement the Life Coaching. Websites! We got our first client last week, and as a result, last week and this week had much learning curve on how that works and how I work with my fellow business partners. It's been really exciting! The Coaching business has been on hold a bit because of it and because of The House and rental hunting (although I'm still doing stuff in that area.... busybusy.)
My new(old) relationship rocks. We totally grew together last week and it's fantastic. It was fantastic before too, but now even more so.
People are starting to notice the changes in me. New levels of confidence and maturity. The way I hold myself, the way I speak, the way I'm taking responsibility. This is all thanks to my new (ad)ventures as well as the Wisdom course that I'm taking.
posted by Jill 11:26 a.m.
Saturday, July 19, 2003
Ummm... Wow
Woman Changes Her Name To
posted by Jill 8:04 a.m.
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
All I can say...
is everything is crazy right now. So many life changes. So much is happening.
As soon as things are settled and I know how things are ending up, you (gentle Blog readers) will know too.
posted by Jill 12:52 p.m.
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
"The brave may not live forever but the cautious don't live at all."
posted by Jill 8:27 a.m.
Monday, July 14, 2003
Giant Rubik's Cube
These are hillarious! Especially the Astor Place Cube!
posted by Jill 1:07 a.m.
I feel weird today
I long for the past, but I don't want it back in my present.
posted by Jill 12:15 a.m.
Friday, July 11, 2003
More Changes
JAmes has been removed too.
Again, if that (your blog status) changes, please tell me.
posted by Jill 1:15 p.m.
Thursday, July 10, 2003
List of Blogs Changes
I regret to inform you that Seyil's blog has been taken off of my Friends Who Post list. Seyil, you haven't updated it in nearly two years. If you post anything again, let me know and it'll go back up.
Ron's has also been removed, not cuz I don't love ya, but because it's all your organization so I don't get any info about you and I never bother reading it.
My list looked long enough to me to warrant sub-sections. Hence, I bring you friends by cities.
posted by Jill 6:08 p.m.
Me, only a Healthier Version
I knew that after I quit my job I'd be eating healthier. Partly because cooking (esp. from scratch) would be cheaper, and partly because I'd actually *gasp* have the time to cook! Ya, 2 years of a hellish commute can start to play a toll on you, on so many levels, right down to fast food eating habits. (Yes, you can get vegetarian fast food. It's not necessarily any healthier. :P )
Enter Front Door Organics into my life. It was my plan that after I quit "work" work, I'd start doing this thing of getting nummy organic food delivered straight to moi. (If you decide to use them because you heard of them from me, please use me as your reference. Thanks! :)
I got my first box yesterday. OMG it's so great! For a really reasonable amount I have enough fruits and veggies to last me for forever (or until they go bad, whichever comes first ;). Being all organic and from local farmers, I feel really good about it.
Little tidbit on me: I hate salad. Yes, a Vegetarian who hates salad. I know, I know. However.... I just made a salad with a bunch of my new organic, local, fresh, yum yum veggies, and it was the best! I got the recipe from The Garden of Vegan, the second book from the rockingest Vegans ever to grace this planet.
posted by Jill 3:08 p.m.
Fun Fun
If you haven't already, do this:
1. go to
2. enter WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION in the search field
3. click on the "I'm feeling lucky button" instead of and read the whole error message.
posted by Jill 12:08 p.m.
Monday, July 07, 2003
Script Reading
I went to a script reading tonight. In case you don't know, a script reading is where a bunch of actors sit on chairs in a row, and "act" through a script. The movements are minimal, but we do get the full effect of the voices. We also get filled in on all the actions and visuals via the narration.
How script reading differs from poetry reading:
The author has no control over how it is read. It's all in other people's hands, and all he/she can do is pray. As my friend who went through the process put it, "My thought is.... please please please... don't fuck up my script!"
How script reading is similar to poetry reading:
Your vulnerability. Your baby is out there in the public, awaiting the criticism of the audience.
The sense of relief when it's all over!!!! The author was behind me, and her sigh of de-stressing just after it ended was very loud.
posted by Jill 11:50 p.m.
Saturday, July 05, 2003
1. I saw posters up for the Fringe Festival yesterday, and I thought, "Really? It's the Festival?" and like I did last year, I figured I'll just catch it next year. This illustrates a big difference between Ottawa and Toronto. When I lived in Ottawa several years ago, something like that is *impossible* to miss. It's a very big deal, and the entire city is transformed to accommodate it. If you miss it, you are missing out on a lot because that sort of thing doesn't happen/come around very often. In Toronto, it's not a big deal, that stuff happens all the time, and if you miss it, so what?
2. Thanks to the personal development course I'm in right now (Landmark Wisdom), a little incident that happened yesterday would have reduced me to tears in the past, but this time I was able to just shrug it off and see the other person as immature, instead of me as being worthless. When I was doing Cash at my Karma Co-op work shift, a guy lost his temper when I asked him a few times about the price sticker on his product. I diffused the situation, and completely didn't take it to heart. In fact, it got me rather thinking about how kind all the shoppers at Karma are, and what a wonderful, warm place it is to be. This was confirmed by the next shopper telling me not to let him bully me and what I did/said was the right thing. :)
3. Music has a strange bonding property. I happen to love obscure music. I'm also very picky about my music, and unless something really grabs me and paralyzes me with its beauty, I don't buy it or pay it much attention. Yesterday I had that experience with the music that was playing at Karma, and I asked the manager about it. After that, he seeked me out to help me with where I could find it, and made sure it was played more in the rotation so that I could hear it. We saw each other in different lights. He smiled at me differently (no, not necessarily one of *those* smiles, so if a certain boyfriend-person is reading this, worry not ;). I'm sure he'll pay attention to me differently at my shift next month. Music is bonding!
4. I love this quote about poetry from Byron Sheardown:
To me poetry is the grandest form of communication, far above any art. It does not sit silent like a painting or weave emotion like music. It can join two minds, it can raise a crowd to roar or bring it to its knees in sadness. The face of the poet is unseen... the depth of contemplation can be immeasurable. We have only words, words that may strike the soul so deep as to move the earth and change the course of the world. We, the poets of our time strike new ground with each word and must write our voice and so alter the course of our world as well.
So go out and alter the world people!! I'm counting on you!
posted by Jill 8:33 a.m.
Thursday, July 03, 2003
I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!
I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!
I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!
Did I mention I'm free?
posted by Jill 9:16 a.m.
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
As I was saying my good-byes to some of my co-workers, one with whom I work really closely, said, "It's nice to see you smile for a change!"
posted by Jill 7:03 p.m.
Life Reboot
A couple of months ago, I was going to quit my job and break up with my boyfriend (Jeff) both on the same day, and then put up a post about how it's indeed possible to reboot your life without changing cities.
The breaking up happened, but the quitting did not. I needed more time to figure things out.
Today, on July 2, 2003, almost two months later, the time has come and the quitting has happened. I gave my 2 weeks notice today.
I'm very scared about the future, but also very excited. This is going to be very good.
You can reboot your life without changing cities. Who knew?!
posted by Jill 3:33 p.m.