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Journal (Rambly Musings)
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
New Blogger?
I'm testing out a new journal / blogger thing. If all goes well I'm switching over. You can see it here.
posted by Jill 8:02 p.m.
I now have a site on CoffeeHouse. My poetry page will slowly but surely move over to that and become obsolete as you know it. As will my mailing list.
Jill Binder on Toronto CoffeeHouse
posted by Jill 1:28 a.m.
Monday, December 15, 2003
I just came back from the last Wisdom weekend.
I have some great directions to go in life, and a new-found high level of confidence, boldness, and integrity. All of this is possible with all the growing and developing I have done this year, especially in the last couple of months. People really notice the difference, and so do I.
I'm really looking forward to what lies ahead...
posted by Jill 7:26 p.m.
1. "Have you signed up for Karin's Light Bulb Challenge yet? Go to to find out more!"
the (sugar refinery)
posted by Jill 2:16 p.m.
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Could be overheard today...
"He doesn't check his email very often. This relationship will never work out!"
posted by Jill 2:45 p.m.
What kind of postmodernist are you!?
 You are a Tortured Conceptual Artist. Your fellow postmodernists call you an anachronism, but you've never cared much about the opinions of others. After all, most of them are far too simple-minded to appreciate the nuances of your work. They talk, while you are part of a lived tradition.
What kind of postmodernist are you!? brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Jill 1:48 a.m.
Saturday, December 06, 2003
Great Quote from a Poem I Heard Tonight
"We would have cured AIDS already if we could do it through violence."
- Kevin Fortnum
posted by Jill 1:16 a.m.
Friday, December 05, 2003
"Good Times, Good Times"
My adorable date
A sea of goths
A friend's Industrial metal band on stage
And we're the only ones dancing
Dancing our asses off
Life is good
posted by Jill 2:40 a.m.
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Good To Know!
"According to a letter from 'a scientist knowledgeable in the field of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)' in the October 2003 issue of Gourmet magazine: "A useful tip to the consumer [would be] a primer on how to read the little stickers on loose fruits and vegetables. Besides providing the store's cash registers and computers with product identification and price information, these stickers can tell you a lot about the food you are buying. A label with four digits indicates conventionally grown food. Labels with five digits starting with an 8 indicate that the food is genetically modified. Labels with 5 digits starting with a 9 indicate that the food is organically grown."
Handy-dandy reference chart (for myself and anyone else who hates to wade through paragraph info):
XXXX = conventionally grown
8XXXX = genetically modified
9XXXX = organically grown
posted by Jill 12:51 p.m.
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
There's A Party In My Body...
I have had a theory for a while that I'm an "old soul" and that's why I'm wise beyond my years and am able to see things many people don't and at a different level.
This came up when I was getting coaching from my Branding Coach, who is helping me figure out what is unique and special about me for coaching that I can package to the world. We were talking about something related when I mentioned this to her and she said,
"Yes, but it's like you've been double-dipped. Actually, it's like you have 3 souls in you--3 entirely disparate parts that work together. Maybe the 3 souls liked each other so much they decided to go into one body! And they're saying, 'We're breaking all the rules and we don't care!'"
Wow. There's a party in my body, and I wasn't even invited.
posted by Jill 6:13 p.m.