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Friday, October 31, 2003
Birthday/Halloween/Arts Freaky Night Party !
The Birthday/Halloween/Arts Freaky Night Party has come and gone. Whew! That was a lot of planning, work... and money!
It went pretty well I think. Had 30 people! Lots of fantastic music & poetry. The non-music-poetry people listened and seemed to enjoy.
The deluge of candles was a great touch. Definitely a way to make a sterile room soft, warm, and more inviting than it would be otherwise!
There was a different air about the party this year. This was my 4th birthday in a row of "bring something to read, yours or someone else's." It was less intimate than usual. Maybe because it wasn't in an apartment but in a meeting room.
This was the first year (since I was young) that included costumes, and I think they went over very well! Especially those who made an effort to dress as their "inner freak." Too bad no one did any voting for the contest though!
All in all, I'd say it was a success.
Special thanks go out to:
-Lisa for doing all my last minute loot bag stuffing (30 in record time!) and ballot cutting. Sooo wonderful, appreciated, and a lot of work for you to take on.
-Jeff & his girlfriend Jessica for following all instructions: They dressed up, they brought food and drinks, and they were the only ones who voted in the costume contest!
-James for bringing the music
-James and Jann for bringing the stereo down (and doing lots of other things to help set up!)
-P and Taavi for bringing the stereo up
-P, Taavi, and Jen for helping me clean!! P and Taavi went beyond the call of duty. They are to be highly commended.
-P for bringing, by far, the best, most thought out, scariest/freakiest costume!! I swear to god I didn't recognize you. I will never see you the same way again.
P.S. I'm on an online business networking site,, (my listing is here), which tells everyone when my birthday is, and NO ONE from it wished me a happy birthday!! Not even the people who already knew me before I joined. That includes YOU. You know who you are. :P That's ok, we're new friends, maybe it's not in your PDA yet. :)
posted by Jill 12:44 a.m.
Thursday, October 30, 2003
Birthday Time
I'm 28!!! Been 28 for half an hour now.
posted by Jill 12:41 a.m.
First Newspaper Article About My Business!
page 24:
Metro - Oct. 29, 2003
I can't even begin to describe my night tonight. Was looking at how some things in the past affect me now, and I got down to the roots of many things, including my fear of relationship commitment, my fear of anger (in myself and in others), why I can't for the life of me get over my last "relationship" (and why it's been dragging on (and off, and on, and off) for so long), where my insecurities come from, where my failings/unhealthinesses come from, why I can't handle "boring" and stable relationships, where my physical ailments, especially tension, come from, why I eat too much, why I hate TV so much, why I keep myself so very busy all the time, why I'm so easily dominated, especially as a child, and perhaps even I'm going down the wrong career path again, to compensate for some of these things..... all these things being related!
On the bright side, even though I feel like a pile of melty jello goo right now, I'll be able to shift many of these things and be super-healthy-upgraded-Jillorama! (cue superhero music)
On another bright side, speaking of eating too much and not taking care of myself, people are really noticing that I've lost weight since being on my new fitness program. People tonight were commenting that it shows in my face. Yay me! Coolness.
posted by Jill 12:08 a.m.
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
To anyone who cares, Alternative Coaching Testimonial #2 (Fri, Oct. 24) has been edited by its writer to be even funnier. Go see! Go see!
posted by Jill 2:08 p.m.
Monday, October 27, 2003
Mom Will Be So Proud *sniff* (or: I died tonight!)
I died tonight! Yay me!
P and I did the most incredible death scene for a contest. We got the idea at last year's Strange Tongues (poetry night) and I can't believe we actually had the guts to carry it out at this year's Strange Tongues.
It involved much blood. And cleavage.
Imagine the "guy" is very nerdy and socially awkward, and the "gal" speaks with utter distance and disdain.
Guy: Anyways, so I had a really good time. So thanks for coming out with me. You might not believe it, but I don’t go on too many dates.
Gal: Really… I find that hard to believe…
Guy: Well, like, I find that women are busy a lot on Saturday nights and, you know, whatever. So, like, I’m sorry my mum’s car broke down, and, about the hassle with the taxi and stuff. I’ll pay you back those 20 dollars, or, you know, I’ll borrow them from my mom or something.
Gal: Ya, sure…
Guy: So, can I call you again sometime?
Gal: Listen, I’m really tired, I’ve got to get to sleep. Good night.
Guy: Oh, sure, no problem. I understand. (staring at her cleavage) A girl as pretty as you needs her beauty sleep.
Gal: (waving his eyes away from her cleavage) Ok, ya, good night!
Guy: So do I get a goodbye kiss?
Gal: (taken aback) Ya right. NO. I really don’t think so. I’ve got to go.
Guy: Whoa, like I’m not going to, you know, try to slip the tongue in or anything. (Gal looks other way, shakes head in disbelief) It’s just, you know, (voice starts to change into assertiveness and strength, and posture takes on domineering) one kiss… one…. Kiss… Just one…
(Guy steps towards her, girl looking at him quizzically but can't look away. He goes to kiss her, but then moves down to her neck. Starts to bite.)
Gal: Oww! What the f***? What are you doing you f***ing weirdo?!
(She pushes his shoulders. His arms clasp around her like a vise)
Gal: Oh my god! (she starts beating his back) Stop it! Stop it! (struggles, moans, goes limp. He continues to suck her neck as he lays her on floor, then get up for the audience to see a fake river of blood dripping down his chin. He crouches above her like a wild animal, looking around him, with the blood dripping.)
Ya, you could say we pretty much shocked and impressed everyone in the room. We had it rehearsed perfectly. P was incredible, and scary as hell. We won hands down! All worth it for P's free beer. :P
posted by Jill 12:38 a.m.
Friday, October 24, 2003
Alternative Coaching Testimonial #3
Testimonial for Jill's Stop smoking (the cheap stuff) coaching program
The classic low budget 1970 gym "health class" movie Narcotics, Pit of Despair (which actually exists - I have a copy at home on VHS if you don't believe me) failed to have meaning for me until Jill's stop smoking (the cheap stuff) coaching program changed my life.
Since starting her program, I was able to progress in a few short hours from my rut of smoking only cheap assed, easy to find cigs, to weed and hash, and in a mere seven days, made the prodigious leap to crack which I of course, will only smoke rolled up in American tender of denominations not smaller than $100
Thank-you Jill, for getting me out of my rut, enabling me to finally stop smoking the cheap stuff, and evolve my addictions and lifestyle to a more respectably debaucherous level (I have of course had to turn to stripping and prostitution to support my new, far more expensive smoking habits), and as a pleasant icing on the cake perk, helped me see the beautiful poetry in the aformentioned film above.
- saucykitty AKA the girl who now has the crack in her mouth, not poking out from the ass of her jeans
posted by Jill 7:29 p.m.
Alternative Coaching Testimonial #2
I can't begin to express how grateful I am to Jill and her stop-smoking coaching program.
As I slowly and inevitably approached the age of 40, I thought there was no hope for me. Life was bleak. I would look back with discouragement and despair at the litany of my adult and adolescent years spent, not merely as a non-smoker, but at times even an outright anti-smoker.
But Jill's stop-smoking coaching turned my life around. With Jill's help, I learned to deal with my stop-smoking problem. Her uncanny insight and frank counselling helped me to realize what was holding me back from fully enjoying that cigarette with my morning coffee, or a fine Guatemalan cigar with my Sunday pancakes.
Thanks to Jill's coaching program, I was able to pick up a habit I had heretofore looked upon with disdain. I now smoke at home, out of doors, at bars, in elevators, airplane washrooms, drug stores, service stations, the cancer ward at the hospital, daycare centres, at bathtime, heck, even after I've crawled into bed at night with my box of crackers and my jar of peanut butter.
Thank you, oh thank you thank you thank you, Jill. You've made such a difference!
Anyone else want to join in on the "fun"? ;)
posted by Jill 5:52 p.m.
Alternative Coaching Testimonial #1
Terrific! I think you've just inspired another heart-felt tribute:
Jill's skill is possibly greater than it appears. Since her coaching program begun, I have received regular emails from Jill. During that period I have been able to abstain completely from smoking, and so have my pets. I have no pets, which I am sure would have made the coaching more demanding, or at least more distracting.
Through the power she exerts in a smooth and effortless way -- to the extent that at times I was quite unaware of it -- I found that I had not smoked even before I had given up, and that made my period of total abstinence easier. I think it was easier on my pets, too, and I am sure they are thankful, or would be.
(ex usability professional and international design critic, England)
See some real testimonials here, from which this, ummm, " " testimonial " " was inspired.
posted by Jill 11:20 a.m.
Thursday, October 23, 2003
I'm a healthy Vegetarian! & The story of an ex
Woo woo! I'm a healthy Vegetarian and I have the test to prove it! At a health expo (which I went to for networking), I got a test of my hemoglobin (to test for anemia) done. The lady before me was also Vegetarian and her figures were dangerously low. I had a Vegetarian t-shirt on and the tester suggested that the lady talk to me as I probably have all the information on what foods to eat. As I sat down I said, "After you said that, what if my numbers are low??" Good news! My figures were smack dab in the middle of normal. I didn't even think I've been eating all that well lately! Yay me!
In other news, I bumped into an ex at a networking event (a different event) today.
Ok, he wasn't an ex, but he sure reminded me of one! It was very difficult to talk to him without thinking of the ex-boyfriend and where I was a few lifetimes ago, although I still enjoyed his company. I had to keep reminding myself that he was a completely different person, and I shouldn't make assumptions and treat him like former-boyfriend. One thing that was very different--he came with me to poetry after the event, which my ex never ever would have done!! I think he enjoyed it too.
posted by Jill 12:29 a.m.
Monday, October 20, 2003
Look! I have some!
posted by Jill 1:21 p.m.
Saturday, October 18, 2003
It was like something out of a bad movie.
My "big alliance" this morning... It didn't take long for me to realize the true nature of the company. Before we even got to the "opportunity meeting" this morning, on the car ride over... I suddenly remembered someone I know was in an MLM, and it was sounding more and more like this was the same company.... Especially when he mentioned how great I would be at what he does--they could train me to their way of thinking, and then in not too long I could go hire a whole team under me! Golly!
I gently asked the questions, prodded more and more.... Until we got to the point of bluntness at the meeting, like this little exchange:
John: "Hey Mike, come over here! This girl has an interesting question that maybe you can help with. Is this company a pyramid scheme?"
Mike: "Oh no, pyramid schemes are illegal. Here we can surpass each other. No no no. <pause> It's more of an upside down pyramid, actually..."
I thought I was going to faint. How would I get out?
John spent the rest of the time, including the car ride home, explaining to me all about how this was not MLM, not a pyramid, not this, not that...
I've been to MLM meetings, as a favour to a friend to whom it meant a lot. I'm not the kind of person to dash someone else's dreams. It also means I know the lingo. "...and that's when I report to my..... What's he called again...? Up...... up....." Me: (thinking) "Don't say upline! Don't say upline!" "Upline!" *groan*
Perhaps the icing on the cake was when a very kind and well-meaning older gentleman leaned over to give the conversation a hand: "You know, the best thing I like about having this business (editor's note: these things are never "being in a company," you're always "an independent business owner") is that everyone is so nice and helps each other. You won't find the Vice President helping his employees at a corporation, no sirree. But here, everyone helps each other." Ya, I'll tell you why old man. THAT'S BECAUSE EVERYONE HERE PROFITS OFF OF EVERYONE ELSE! IT'S A PYRAMID SCHEME, DAMMIT!!!
You know the best part of these things? How they always end off the talk asking the "2 key questions:" 1. Is this legal? 2. Is this company credible?
If I had any, any doubt left in my mind before that, well that was the answer for me. It was like a parallel universe to my friend's MLM company. Everything was the same, just they were selling mutual funds instead of soap.
Seen the Canadian movie "Go"?
This couple spends all evening seducing 2 young men, and in the end, it turns out:
Man: "Now, as law enforcement officers, Irene and I, we cannot recruit distributors from inside the force. It's against the rules. So what we do, is we look for people in other industries."
Woman: "Like the entertainment industry."
Young man: "Uhh, wait, wait. You want us to sell Amway?"
Man: "It's Confederated Products, it's, it's... it's a different company. It's a different quality of product."
Young man to other young man walking outside afterwards: "I need to do something terrifically unwholesome after that. I need to bathe in sin."
posted by Jill 7:38 p.m.
Friday, October 17, 2003
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
Excellent newses! (all business-related)
I'm going to be in the paper! I'll tell you which one once I'm actually in. Don't want to completely jinx it. My interview is on Monday. :) :)
I have a publicist! Between her and I, my business is going to be *booming* soon. She's starting out by helping me get alliances.
Knock on wood... I will tomorrow have my first *big* alliance (that I got on my own). I'm going to visit the offices tomorrow. The deal is *this close.* Wish me luck!
It's a worky weekend. Tomorrow alliance for Life Coaching, Sunday visiting a website client. Ah, the life of an entrepreneur.
In non-business news, I'm helping to organize a big poetry & music fundraising event for Leukemia in November. It's going to be fun!!
Me? Busy? No! I don't know *what* you're talking about!
(For those who have noticed that I haven't been on instant messengers lately... My computer is not working and won't support me doing that and have other applications open at the same time. Will be fixed soon.)
posted by Jill 5:16 p.m.
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
1 Year Ago Today

posted by Jill 4:46 p.m.
Friday, October 10, 2003
Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Luke Skywalker Boldly striving to overcome the darkness both in this world and within yourself, you are righteously devoted to forging your own destiny. "It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers."
posted by Jill 12:16 p.m.
Monday, October 06, 2003
Samantha told me that Sharon has a thing set up where she always sees my latest entry.
(Tell me how you do that, 'k?)
posted by Jill 9:17 a.m.
Sunday, October 05, 2003
Sore Throat
I have that sore throat feeling as if I were still sick, but I know it's not that. It comes from my crazy evening last night! For kicks, I volunteered at a huge matchmaking event put on by the company that my roommate works for. It involved much yelling to facilitate about 30 people doing icebreaker games, in a very noisy bar.
I was told that I had my group the most riled up and having the most fun. Yay me!!
posted by Jill 1:30 p.m.
That really was a life-altering weekend last weekend.
My business is exploding! I am on the verge of several very big deals. If even one of them comes through, I will be on the road to a full practise very quickly. This includes possibly getting some media attention........ Stay tuned.
I'm dating again! Just for fun, nothing serious. It's actually more akin to just making new friends.
I'm writing poetry again!!! This is huge, people. I haven't written in a long time. (One of them is a pretty eloquent piece about not writing. Heh heh heh. :)
posted by Jill 10:17 a.m.